No. of runs: 4 (23.2 miles total)
No. of new things tried: 3 (Park Run, Kalenji top, Natural Hero Hot Muscle Rub)
No of times told to go to bed because I'm a grumpy little sh*t: 1
First week of January means first full week back at work after 2 weeks of long lies and too many pies! It also meant return to full time, less-of-the-excuses marathon training. It was always going to be a toughie! Sure enough, the days seemed long and the legs felt tired, but fortunately I not only have the impending marathon to train for, I'd also signed up to Jantastic as part of Adidas Team Boost with a goal of 4 runs per week.
The competitive nature in meant I wasn't going to go down without a fight, and stubborn-ness got me through my four runs of the week - three TomTom-tracked runs plus a track session on Wednesday night.
Monday: rest (managing to get through first day back at work was achievement enough!)
Tuesday: 3 miles early morning run
Wednesday: Back to track - Yasso 800's (6 x 800m at 8min/mile pace with 2min rest)
Thursday: slow 6 miles with the returning-from-injury bf
Friday: rest
Saturday: 11.4 miles total...
Saturday brought a glorious chilly, sunny winter morning, with a beautiful sunrise as I headed out along the Thames towards Putney. Arriving at Putney Bridge I met up with Steph, Lissy and Charlie and we headed over to the park at Fulham Palace.
I had always been slightly nervous about Park Run, convinced it would be full of super-speedy folk, but as we arrived it was clear that the park Run crowd is a mixed bag: all sizes, shapes and ages; from some men and women that would be pushing my grandparents age to those not yet able to walk, in buggies! After a brief run-down of the rules and course form the friendly course director we moved to the start line and, with little fanfare, we were off!!
To top off a lovely morning of running, we popped in to the cafe at Fulham Palace for some much needed warmth and hot drinks. Showing no end to her talents, Steph had baked us some post-run reward Banana Cake - just the ticket to fuel me for the 4 mile run home!
I also tried out some new run goodies this week. First, the new Kalenji run hoodie that I bought when back home for Christmas from the sport superstore Decathlon. It was perfect for running in the cold mornings we've been having. And it has the thumb hole thingy that I love for that not-quite-cold-enough-for-gloves weather, if you know what I mean?!
Need a hero? A hot one? Here you go! |
I also FINALLY got round to purchasing some Natural Hero Hot Ginger Muscle Rub, which I'd been eyeing up for ages after seeing so many great reviews on twitter.
I massaged some of the cream in to my sore hamstrings after this week's track session, thinking 'it smells lovely but it's not that hot...' About 20 mins later my hamstrings were basking in a lovely warming sensation - it felt brilliant! You can have a look at Natural Hero's products here. The products are also 98% natural products, which is pretty good for something that works so well!
All in, I'm pretty pleased I made it through this week given that I was coming back from post-Christmas holiday excess. I'm not sure the boy as too impressed though, as I was sent to bed at 10pm on Friday night for being too grumpy - a combination of tired legs, a sore head and a busy work week. I reckon he did me a favour though as I really enjoyed Saturday's run AND managed to keep going through to cocktails in the evening with a smile on my face, grump free. RESULT! Thing are definitely on the up. Bring on next week...
How was your training this week? Are you a Park Run regular? I would love to try out other Park Run sites throughout the year, so I'd love to hear where you run and why it's a great course.
Katy | City Girl Fit
So glad you enjoyed parkrun and the banana bread, I'd really love to learn that route. Maybe I could train it to Clapham one day and we could do clapham-putney and back again ? Looks like you've had a great week. My boyfriend has done that to me in the past too!
ReplyDeleteThat hoody looks so good and cosy but light, perfect for winter runs!